The Drau Cycle Path hosts put together sporty, exciting and relaxing packages for their cycling guests:
The Drau Cycle Path runs from the source of the Drau River in Hochpustertal, Italy, to Varaždin in Croatia, passing through stunning landscapes in Austria and Slovenia. This 11-day tour, covering approximately 435-465 km, perfectly combines culture and nature. Cycling along peaceful villages, gentle mountains, and enjoying the constant view of the river. The tour ends in the baroque city of Varaždin. Suitable for cyclists aged 16 and above.
Embark on an unforgettable cycling journey through the stunning mountain landscapes of the East Tyrolean and South Tyrolean Dolomites. Explore picturesque valleys, charming towns like Cortina d’Ampezzo, Bruneck, and Brixen, and enjoy the perfect blend of nature, culture, and comfort.
Starting in Villach, the charming city in the heart of Carinthia, this tour follows the Drau Cycle Path through Dravograd, Maribor, and Ptuj, culminating in the baroque town of Varaždin in Croatia. Experience a unique blend of stunning nature, picturesque towns, and cultural landmarks on this diverse journey.
The Drau Cycle Path stretches 320 - 385 km from Toblach/Niederdorf in South Tyrol through East Tyrol and Carinthia to the Adriatic coast in Italy. The route follows the Drau River and offers highlights such as the sunny city of Lienz, Porcia Castle, the Canal Valley, and Grado, a popular Adriatic resort. The tour is suitable for cyclists aged 14 and above.
The Drau Cycle Path stretches 365 km from the source of the Drau River in Toblacher Feld, Italy, to Maribor in Slovenia. The route passes through East Tyrol and Carinthia, offering stunning views of the Slovenian Drau Valley. Mostly flat, paved paths with some challenging sections in Slovenia, the tour is suitable for cyclists aged 16 and above.
Experience a stunning contrast between the impressive East Tyrolean mountain landscape of the Lienz Dolomites and the glamorous Lake Wörthersee. On this Drau Cycle Path journey, you'll also cycle past the Landskron Castle ruins, Austria's most beautiful spot, and continue around Lake Ossiach, which you can circumnavigate closely by bike. The tour then takes you through the famous resort town of Velden, along the turquoise waters of Lake Wörthersee, all the way to the Carinthian capital, Klagenfurt, where you can explore the area between the harbor and the old town.
Embark on this leisurely cycling tour along the Drau River and Lake Wörthersee, and let yourself be enchanted by the beauty of Carinthia. After your rides, unwind in the atmosphere and comfort of our handpicked 4-star hotels, offering ultimate relaxation in swimming pools or wellness areas. Your journey begins in Sillian, East Tyrol, and follows the award-winning 5-star Drau Cycle Path, conveniently descending downstream past breathtaking mountain landscapes. Near Villach, you'll detour to the sophisticated, turquoise-green Lake Wörthersee before continuing through the stunning, unspoiled Rosental Valley to reach Europe's warmest swimming lake, Lake Klopein in Southern Carinthia.
The Drau Cycle Path is considered one of the most beautiful river cycling routes in Europe and has been awarded 5 stars by the ADFC. The classic 230 km Drau Cycle Path tour takes you along its most scenic section, from Sillian in East Tyrol to Lake Klopein in Southern Carinthia. Along the way, you’ll follow the Drau River as it transforms from a wild mountain stream into a wide, turquoise shimmering waterway. Cycling downstream, you’ll pass impressive mountain landscapes, the charming towns of Spittal/Drau and Villach, and continue through the stunning, untouched Rosental valley, ultimately reaching one of Europe’s warmest swimming lakes.
Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen Online-Shop Verein Drauradweg Wirte
(Stand: Oktober 2020)
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5.) Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand
Erfüllungsort ist 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Gerichtsstand ist ebenso 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee. Entgegenstehende Bedingungen werden nicht anerkannt. Abänderungen bedürfen der Schriftform. Mündliche Zusagen haben keine Wirksamkeit.
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Shopbetreiber: Verein Drauradweg Wirte, Bahnhofplatz 2, 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Österreich, Tel.: +43 463 502512, info@drauradwegwirte.at